Winner of the XVI LSO Donatella Flick Conducting Competition (London Symphony Orchestra) and the German Conductors' Award (Deutscher Dirigentenpreis 2019)

Winner of the Donatella Flick LSO Conducting Competition and the German Conducting Award
The international career of Julio García Vico is launched in 2019 after winning the German Conductor's Award, Audience Award of the Oscar and Vera Ritter-Stiftung, and the Prize of the Opernfreunde Bonn 2019, conducting "Don Juan" by R. Strauss from memory with the WDR Orchestra in the Cologne Philharmonic Hall, having received the scores only two days earlier. The jury publicly described him as "an extraordinary talent from whom we will hear about".
In 2020, he made his professional debut with the Munich Symphony Orchestra, for which he stepped in at the last minute and was invited back five times that year, with the review: "conducting with his full body, he is a joy to watch."
In 2021, he became the first winner in the history of the prestigious Donatella Flick LSO Conducting Competition to conduct the entire final concert with the London Symphony Orchestra from memory.
In 2022 he is chosen by RTVE (Spanish National Radio and Television Corporation) as one of the most important talents in his country.
He is currently Assistant Conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra (LSO), working with conductors such as Sir Simon Rattle, Gianandrea Noseda, François-Xavier Roth, Sir John Eliot Gardiner, Barbara Hannigan and Sir Antonio Pappano. Since 2021, he also works as assistant to Maestro Nicola Luisotti at the Teatro Real.
This season he will debut with the Mozarteum Orchestra (Salzburg), Orquesta Nacional de España ONE, RTVE Orchestra, Orchestra of Milan, St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra and the Orquesta Ciudad de Granada.
His unique and personal technique, based on flamenco dance and full of expression, combines with a strong humanistic profile acquired in over 15 years of university (3 masters and 3 bachelors degrees) focused on conducting (Düsseldorf, Prof. Bohn), philosophy (UNED), piano (Munich), repetiteur (K. Jarnot) and viola (among others). As an "academist" at the renowned Ensemble Modern Frankfurt and assistant to early music specialist Sir Elliot Gardiner, his broad repertoire also includes many opera titles. His more than 10 years of experience as an orchestral musician has led him to festivals such as Beijing Music Festival, BBC Proms and Manifeste Paris, as well as to the study of 7 languages, including German, Russian and Japanese. Since 2018, he has been a fellow of the Conductors' Forum of the German Council of Music and in 2019 he was the musical director of the Opera Studio at the Krefeld and Mönchengladbach theatres in Germany.

Gewinner des LSO Donatella Flick Conducting Competition and des Deutschen Dirigentenpreises
Julio García Vicos internationale Karriere startete 2019 mit dem Gewinn des Internationalen Deutschen Dirigentenpreises, dem Publikumspreis der Oscar- und Vera-Ritter-Stiftung und dem Bonner Opernpreis 2019, als er „Don Juan“ von R. Strauss mit dem WDR Orchester in der Kölner Philharmonie auswendig dirigierte, nachdem er die Partitur erst zwei Tage zuvor erhielt. Die Jury bezeichnet ihn öffentlich als „ein außergewöhnliches Talent, von dem wir noch hören werden“.
Im Jahr 2020 gab er sein professionelles Debüt bei den Münchener Symphonikern wo er kurzfristig als Dirigent eingesprungen ist. Das Konzert war ein Erfolg und er wurde daraufhin noch fünf mal im gleichen Jahr eingeladen. Die Presse schrieb zu dem Konzert folgendes: “Mit seinem Auftreten und vollem Körpereinsatz, ist es eine wahre Freude, ihm beim Dirigieren zuzusehen “.
2021 wird er der erste Gewinner in der Geschichte des renommierten Donatella Flick LSO-Wettbewerbs, der das gesamte Finalkonzert mit dem London Symphony Orchestra auswendig dirigierte.
2022 wird er von der RTVE (Spanische Radio- und Fernsehkorporation) zu einem der wichtigsten Talente seines Landes gewählt.
Derzeit ist er Assistent des London Symphony Orchestra (LSO) und arbeitet mit Dirigenten wie Sir Simon Rattle, Gianandrea Noseda, François-Xavier Roth, Sir John Eliot Gardiner, Barbara Hannigan und Sir Antonio Pappano zusammen. Seit 2021 arbeitet er auch als Assistent von Maestro Nicola Luisotti am Teatro Real.
In dieser Saison debütiert er mit dem Mozarteumorchester (Salzburg), dem Orquesta Nacional de España, dem RTVE-Orchester, dem Mailänder Orchester, den St. Petersburger Symphonikern und dem Orquesta Ciudad de Granada.
Julio Garcia Vicos einzigartige Schlagtechnik, basiert auf dem Flamenco-Tanz und ist voller Ausdruckskraft, kombiniert mit einem ausgeprägten humanistischen Profil, welches er sich mit mehr als 15 Jahren Studium (3 Master- und 3 Bachelor-Abschlüsse), Ausbildungen in Orchesterleitung (Düsseldorf bei Prof. Bohn), Philosophie (UNED ), Klavier (München), Korrepetition (bei Konrad Jarnot) und Bratsche (ua) erarbeitete. Als Akademist des renommierten Ensemble Modern Frankfurt und Assistent des Spezialisten für Alte Musik Sir Elliot Gardiner umfasst sein umfangreiches Repertoire auch zahlreiche Operntitel. Seine über 10-jährige Erfahrung als Orchestermusiker führte ihn zu Festivals wie dem Beijing Music Festival, BBC Proms oder dem Manifeste Paris und zum Erlernen von 7 Sprachen wie Deutsch, Russisch oder Japanisch. Seit 2018 ist er Stipendiat des Dirigentenforums des Deutschen Musikrates und war 2019 musikalischer Leiter des Opernstudios an den Theatern Krefeld und Mönchengladbach.

„Julio has a very contagious temperament that is transferred to the orchestra and singers. He shows a very unique body language, his plastic interpretations derive from his profound knowledge of the score. He is a talent that we are convinced that we will hear a lot from him in the future.”
Lothar Zagrosek, Conductor and President of the Jury of the German Conducting Award.

Ganador del LSO Donatella Flick Conducting Competition y del Premio Alemán de Dirección
La carrera internacional de Julio García Vico despega en 2019 al ganar el Concurso Internacional de Dirección de Orquesta de Alemania, el Premio del Público de la Oscar y Vera Ritter-Stiftung y el Premio de la Ópera de Bonn 2019, dirigiendo de memoria "Don Juan" de R. Strauss con la Orquesta de la WDR en la Filarmonía de Colonia después de haber recibido las partituras dos días antes. El jurado lo describe públicamente cómo "un talento extraordinario del que oiremos hablar".
En 2020 tiene su debut profesional con la sinfoníca de Múnich haciendo una sustitución de última hora con la que es reinvitado 5 veces más ese año con la crítica de "dirigiendo con todo su cuerpo es toda una alegría de contemplar".
En 2021 se convierte en el primer ganador de la historia del prestigioso concurso Donatella Flick LSO que dirige todo el concierto de memoria con la London Symphony Orchestra.
En 2022 es elegido por RTVE cómo uno de los talentos más importantes del país.
Actualmente es Asistente de la London Symphony Orchestra (LSO) y trabaja con directores como Sir Simon Rattle, Gianandrea Noseda, François-Xavier Roth, Sir John Eliot Gardiner, Barbara Hannigan o Sir Antonio Pappano. Desde 2021 trabaja también como asistente del Maestro Nicola Luisotti en el Teatro Real.
En esta temporada debutará con la Orquesta Mozarteum (Salzburgo), Orquesta Nacional de España, orquesta de la RTVE, Orquesta de Milán, Sinfónica de San Petersburgo y Orquesta Ciudad de Granada.
La característica técnica unica de Julio, con fundamento en el baile flamenco y cargada de expresividad, se conjuga con un marcado perfil humanista, con más de 15 años de estudios universitarios (3 másters y 3 licenciaturas) formándose en dirección de orquesta (Dusseldorf, Prof. Bohn), filosofía (UNED), piano (Munich), correpetición (K. Jarnot) y viola (entre otros). Siendo academista de la prestigiosa Ensemble Modern de Frankfurt y asistente del especialista en música antigua Sir Elliot Gardiner su amplio repertorio incluye además numerosos títulos operísticos. Su experiencia cómo músico de orquesta de más de 10 años lo ha llevado a festivales cómo el Beijing Music Festival, los BBC Proms o Manifeste Paris y a estudiar 7 idiomas, como el alemán, el ruso o el japonés. Desde 2018 es becario del Dirigentenforum del Consejo Alemán de Música y en 2019 fue director musical del Operstudio en los teatros Krefeld y Mönchengladbach (Alemania).

García Vico's hyper-expressive conducting, without baton or score, was splendid; he knew how to highlight details, which also highlighted the character of modernity and orchestral mastery of the work. The result was a memorable performance that earned, deservedly, one of the longest standing ovations of the season.
...with the London Symphony Orchestra

"The strong and sensitive vision of Garcia Vico made shine with his multifaceted stroke of genius this page of torrential creative inspiration "
"The orchestra sounded terrific under his conducting"
"Vico found the right balance of dynamics in his conducting without baton, but with a unique and very productive gesture in terms of color rendering."
-Andrea Zaniboni: "refined and energetic conducting of the Spanish conductor Julio Vico"
...with the OCM in Mantova

“Julio, Wow! What a performer!
He was the real deal in this competition. He had such energy, the confidence to just stop conducting, to make these little gestures that actually say so much more than simply “we are going to do 1,2,3,4”.
Julio was always in charge. He did everything without music, with this contact and direct communication. Towards the end of his rehearsal he was quite determined that time should be taken at this specific point in the piece; he is very clear about what he wants and he brings it across very effectively.
He also has a very good fluid technique.
He is experienced enough to be spontaneous, the gestures were different on every repetition, you just got the impression he was going with the feeling of the performance, and using the small audience that we had in order to make something out of each of those pieces"
Medici.tv ( LSO Martin Handley and Tasmin Little)
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...with singers and orchestra in the Opera Festival of Weikersheim 2019

„The absolute highlight of the evening was the Sextet of „Cosi fan tutte“, conducted by Julio Garcia Vico. Perfectly balanced vocal lines, precisely worked out orchestral parts, the magic of the opera appeared [...] with "Freischütz" he proved that he also mastered romantic opera.”
“Julio García Vico: A Star is Born” Opernmagazin Germany
with the WDR Sinfonieorchester in the Cologne Philharmonic Hall

"Vico's interpretation of "the three-cornered hat" has been the best we have heard lately. We were all dazzled by such expressiveness, the spirit of maestro Falla was fluttering around the hall the whole evening. A mixture of sweetness and energy difficult to match"
Rafael Cepero, Teatro Falla review
"... Not only is his pianism magnificent, but also his understanding reflects an incredible maturity."
- Joaquín Soriano about the pedagogial project of 2015,

"The Munich Symphony Orchestra reached the highest quality under the baton of Julio García Vico, who, with a refined vision for musical nuances, a stage presence and conducting with his whole body, was a true joy to watch"
D. Kassler
"García Vico's reading, with a hyper-expressive conducting, without baton or score, was splendid; he knew how to highlight details, which also highlighted the character of modernity and orchestral mastery of the work. The orchestra was extraordinary, precise, brilliant, from the strings —luminous— to the percussion, going through the wind and its different solos, which alternated bullfighting and humor. The result was a memorable performance that earned, deservedly, one of the longest standing ovations of the season"
“Julio was the real deal in this competition. He had such energy, the confidence to just stop conducting, to make these little gestures that actually say so much more than simply “we are going to do 1,2,3,4”.
Julio was always in charge. He did everything without music, with this contact and direct communication. Towards the end of his rehearsal he was quite determined that time should be taken at this specific point in the piece; he is very clear about what he wants and he brings it across very effectively.
He also has a very good fluid technique.
He is experienced enough to be spontaneous, the gestures were different on every repetition, you just got the impression he was going with the feeling of the performance, and using the small audience that we had in order to make something out of each of those pieces"
"The attraction of this concert was to discover the conductor Julio García Vico, who has an offensively massive curriculum, while also being provocatively young. His unacademic gesture, with a very expressive left hand, was accompanied by an attitude of energy and passion. His name will surely illuminate more than one conductor's stand in the coming years"
Platea Magazine
„The absolute highlight of the evening was the Sextet of „Cosi fan tutte“, conducted by Julio Garcia Vico. Perfectly balanced vocal lines, precisely worked out orchestral parts, the magic of the opera appeared [...] with "Freitschütz" he proved that he also mastered romantic opera.”
Opernmagazin Germany "Julio Garcia Vico: a star is born"
The soloist had a magnificent traveling companion in Julio García Vico, who reserved all the focus for her while continuing to show his appreciable manners as a conductor, particularly concerned with detail and fluidity of discourse, achieving the ideal integration of soloist and orchestra.
García Vico reached his particular moment of glory with Felix Mendelssohn's First Symphony. The effusiveness of the work fits very well with the very nature of this likeable man from Cádiz, with his vital moment, beginning a career that should take him very far in the profession. He succeeded in transmitting it to the orchestra with his eloquent gesture, the movement of his body that sometimes transcends that of the baton that he does not use. He does not use the score, something that already surprised the jury of the Donatella Flick, and that is always synonymous of security and authority. This conductor has both for his knowledge of the work and for the clarity with which he exposes his intentions.
García Vico exquisitely nuances, making use of a wide dynamic range, distinguishes the different planes with great clarity and rounds off a reading far from the affected solemnity of others, much more focused on exposing that youthful impulse that emerges from this work.
Maestro García Vico presented a complete soundscape with an agile tempo, achieving a sensational reading. His gesture showed a vibrant and imaginative reading of both compositions. He insisted on extracting oil from the National Radio Orchestra, he obtained it, as the group responded with luminosity, always collaborative and without overflowing in the sound flow.
"Impeccably conducted by Julio García Vico who extracted the best from each section and built an hour of great musical level. He highlighted the orchestral colorism, with a high level of woodwinds and a homogeneous and velvety string that convinced the public"
La Nueva España
"What the conductor Julio García Vico did can be truly called "an interpretation". From the hall you could see that he communicated directly with the musicians, his hands and arms spoke a concise but richly detailed language. Melodies could be sung, sections were developed logically and naturally, and accents and articulations sounded both thoughtful and improvised. His baton seemed to have become a magic wand. This young conductor carried the music in a natural and evident way, without artificially dramatizing"
Südwest Presse
"the conductor Julio García Vico looked like a painter with a brush"
Reutlinger Generalanzeiger
"(...) the synergy between the solid qualities of the Mantova Chamber Orchestra and the resolute conducting of Julio Garcia Vico, young, but already established, award-winning and in the orbit of great musical international institutions. The Spanish conductor has left his mark: a clear and expressive vision of the symphonic themes on the entire programm. A dynamic and incisive approach, confirmed with Schumann's Concerto."
"The excellent harmony between the Mantova Chamber Orchestra and the young Spanish conductor is confirmed by a very exquisite interpretation of the Scottish Symphony."
La voce di Mantova
"A page of torrential creative inspiration, which the strong and sensitive vision of Garcia Vico made shine with his multifaceted stroke of genius"
"The orchestra sounded terrific under his conducting"
Andrea Zaniboni
"The Munich Symphony Orchestra reached the highest quality under the baton of Julio García Vico, who, with a refined vision for musical nuances, a stage presence and conducting with his whole body, was a true joy to watch"
D. Kassler
General Management:
Columbia Artists Music CAMI Music New York:
Javier Manzana (Vice President)
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